The Big Screen will present a traveling LED video screen that will tour through the streets of Camelon and Tamfourhill showing messages of festive joy, a special seasonal appearance from local singer songwriter Dionne Hickey and three inspiring videos made with creative residents as part of Camelon Arts ongoing project Camelon’s Got Talent.
As part of The Big Screen we have 100 packs than can be booked for delivery the week before the festival. The packs will include screening snacks, a programme and a fun lantern creative challenge! To receive your pack (suitable for age 6 years and over) email camelonarts@artlinkcentral.org with your name, address and how many packs (max 2 per household) you would like.
Further information about The Big Screen including the route and the stopping points will be announced soon!
Here Comes Santa Claus… will see Santa travelling in style by horse drawn carriage while his elves (with gloves!) hand deliver (quarantined!) gifts to children up to twelve years old. Santa and his carriage will be travelling round the streets between 2pm and 6pm both days.
Booking lines for presents are now closed but keep an eye out for Santa riding his sleigh down your street!

We need youR Help!
Camelon Winter Festival is heading into the heart of Camelon this year, bringing its wonderful mixture of Christmas cheer to Kemlin, whilst being Covid secure. Yes, there will be rules, but the festival group volunteers and Camelon Arts will still be sprinkling Camelon communities with as many magic moments as possible, at the required distance and with care and attention paid to the smallest detail, to make this Christmas one to remember for the right reasons. BUT to do this we are going to need your help!
What Volunteering roles?
We really appreciate any time you can volunteer to help sprinkle some cheer across Camelon and Tamfourhill during what will be a very different festive period for all of us.
Flyer Distribution
We need help distributing all the flyers for the Winter Festival Weekend across Camelon and Tamfourhill. In the lead up to the event, we will need many feet on the ground to deliver up to 3000 flyers across the area. If you are interested in supporting this get in touch, We will ask what area you stay in and arrange a suitable street or number of streets to be ticked off from the list! Whether you are up for delivering 15 or 500 let us know!
When: from the week beginning 21 November onwards
Number of volunteers: as many as possible
Big Screen Packs Distribution
100 Big Screen Packs will be delivered to people’s doors (via email sign up). The packs will include ‘Screening Snacks’ (a bag of Propercorn and a hot chocolate stick), a Big Screen programme and a fun lantern creative challenge! We will need volunteers to help us distribute these to the residents who have booked a place the week before the event.
When: from the week commencing 7th December
Number of volunteers: 2-6
We have got to make sure the show goes on this festive period, but it is vital that we do this safely and responsibly! We are working hard to ensure this event will be safe and comply with all current restrictions and guidelines. As part of this we need to ensure no uncontrolled crowds gather and that people are able to watch the screen in a safe way. On each day we will have 4 stops at pre-planned locations around the residential areas of Camelon and Tamfourhill. We will need 3 volunteer stewards at each stop to ensure social distance is maintained and that only joy (and not COVID) is being spread! All PPE will be provided on the day and there will be a safety briefing in advance.
When: Saturday 12th December - shifts: 12pm - 2pm and/or 3:30pm - 7pm,
Sunday 13th December - shifts: 12pm - 2pm and/or 2:30-6:30pm
Number of volunteers: 3 per shift - you can sign up to multiple shifts so let us know your availability and how much time you wish to volunteer!